Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Frozen Emryo Transfer Delay

I now have a frozen embryo transfer delay, unfortunately. I was not 100% sure that I was ready to give it another try a few months ago, so I put of my in vitro fertilization procedure. Then at the start of this menstrual period I decided it was now or never, because I only have my medical insurance for a couple of months before having to start pay $800 a month for COBRA. Thank you economy.

Well, I went for my blood work and sonogram on Day 2 as planned. But that afternoon the nurse called to inform me that the lab is closed the last two weeks in August every year. She apologized for the inconvenience and said she would have let me know if I had talked to her about changing the date. So, I guess that was my fault. Now if I do decide to attempt to put back my only frozen embryo next period I am going to have to come up with at least $800 because the actual transfer probably won't take place until October. Thanks to my pcos I almost never have a 28 day cycle and I'm not on birth control. Aaargh!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 2 of My Period is Tomorrow

Day 2 of my period is tomorrow. It really started on Sunday night after 9pm, but the true first day was Monday. As per my instructions, I am to report for blood work and monitoring for in vitro fertilization. I made my appointment for 8:15 tomorrow morning and I am sitting at my computer writing this at 1:30 in the morning.

I am a little nervous because I am not 100% sure that I am ready to get pregnant. I know that may sound selfish to some, and crazy to others, but it's true. I currently have 20 month b/g twins. I was RIF'd from my job at the end of March and my insurance runs out at the end of September. My insurance covers in vitro and his doesn't. So basically I have to try now or it's never.

If I was making a few thousand dollars per month from my sites by now I would feel more confident, but I'm only making about $10 a day. That pays a couple of utilities, but it won't pay for a new round of formula and pampers. But if all goes well I will be making a few thousand per month by next May when the baby would be due. And if this frozen embryo transfer takes I have another idea for a whole new site. But I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Have You Ever Left Your Child in the Car Alone

Have you ever left your child in the car alone? I'm not talking about going inside for an appointment or to open a bank account. I'm talking about a quick run to the store, or dry cleaners, or atm stop.

There was a story of a lady who was arrested for leaving her seven week old baby in the car unattended while she ran in to the bank. Someone saw her leave the baby unattended and called the cops. The cops arrested her because regardless of what time she claimed she left the baby, it was 15 minutes from the time they received the call to the time that they arrived on the scene, and the baby was still unattended and crying. They also said the temperature inside the car had reached 90 degrees.

I cannot say I have never run an errand with the kids in the car. One rainy morning I made a milk run to the grocery store. The weather was horrible and I only had to pick up two or three items. I parked in front of the store (illegally), they have almost entirely glass walls where you could see inside/outside, and the cash registers are located in front of these windows.

The babies (over a year old) were fast asleep, and I was in and out in four minutes total. I timed myself. I still felt guilty about it afterward, but I did not want to take them out of the car another time in the rain, and they were sleeping. I know it wasn't the best thing to do, and now I take them inside with me regardless.

If they were that young (seven weeks old), I could not imagine leaving them alone in the car. When my kids were 7 weeks old we were attached like glue and glitter. I was their ultimate protector, keeper, provider, their mother. But obviously that feeling is not as strong, constant, or deeply embedded in some woman as it is in others. I know that I will never leave my babies alone in the car again.

Sleeping Babies 10:35 at Night

I love sleeping babies, especially at 10:35 at night. This is around the time every night that I am able to settle down and begin work on my websites, which is my stay-at-home job.

The day begins at 6:20am while school is in, 7:15 when just hubby is working and school is out, and we have yet to see what time the day will start once everyone is home for the summer.

I have taken my 7 hour energy shot around 8pm, knowing that I want to finish at least three pages tonight. So I will need to stay up until at least 2am. And I have my big glass of store brand diet cola. So I will work away, search for profitable keywords, look at the competition already on page 1 of Google, and check to see how confident I am that I can beat them. Sometimes I don't even try. Let's be realistic, am I going to beat out for a particular keyword. It's just little old me and a laptop sitting at my dining room table.

The crazy thing is, I actually do believe that I can beat them out, depending on how much work and time I am willing to put in. After all, they didn't start off on page 1 for that keyword, did they? I have an unwavering belief in my success. You should too.

And all of this is brought to you by sleeping babies.

Monday, June 8, 2009

What is it like to have a Baby boy

I have a boy and girl baby twins, who are now 18 months old. They could not be more different when it comes to their personalities. My little girl is soft and quiet for the most part. But when she gets to talking I can see where she's going to be a bit bossy. I say she gets it from her auntie.

But my boy, fuhgetaboudit! He is such a spitfire. He absolutely loves reading books, or I should say, he loves for you to read him books. But after you finish the book he is ready for the next one right away. I love his thirst for knowledge at this age, but have you ever really spent time with a toddler? He does not get tired, and when he does, he fights it tooth and nail.

So I spend almost all day reading him books, which is great, but I am trying to make sure I can stay a stay-at-home-mom at the same time. My websites are just starting to make a little change every day, and I do mean a little change. I set aside time to read, color, play, and just spend time with both of my babies, but Baby Boy just seems to want attention all of the time. His sister will play solo if necessary, color on her own, or actually sit on my lap while I work on the computer without trying to touch the keyboard too much.

I love them both to pieces, but it really amazes me how different boys and girls are. Maybe it's just my son. Is it?

Teen Pregnancy Quiz

Are you looking for a teen pregnancy quiz to determine if you are pregnant or not? Having a baby can be a beautiful, wonderful experience. But if you are a teenager it can be the most scariest thing you have faced in your life thus far.

A baby requires dedication, responsibility, love, caring, and MONEY. If these things aren't in abundance in your life, then things will be rough. But nothing is impossible, and if everyone was required to be "financially set" in order to have kids, less than 50 percent of the population would procreate.

But before you jump the gun, you could go here and to see "Am I Pregnant" or not. Good luck to you, no matter what the outcome.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Summer Jobs for Teenagers

Are you looking for summer jobs for teenagers?

The summer is coming, and it is a sad thing not to have some extra cash in your pocket for amusement parks, ice cream trucks, movies, and all of the other things teens like today.

There are ways to make money in no time at all, even if you are 14 year old. It depends on what you're willing to do and how hard you are willing to work. just remember that nothing in life is free. When you do land a job, remember that you are being paid to work. It is important to be on time, follow instructions, and if you work with people, be pleasant.

Good luck with your job hunting endeavors.