Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sleeping Babies 10:35 at Night

I love sleeping babies, especially at 10:35 at night. This is around the time every night that I am able to settle down and begin work on my websites, which is my stay-at-home job.

The day begins at 6:20am while school is in, 7:15 when just hubby is working and school is out, and we have yet to see what time the day will start once everyone is home for the summer.

I have taken my 7 hour energy shot around 8pm, knowing that I want to finish at least three pages tonight. So I will need to stay up until at least 2am. And I have my big glass of store brand diet cola. So I will work away, search for profitable keywords, look at the competition already on page 1 of Google, and check to see how confident I am that I can beat them. Sometimes I don't even try. Let's be realistic, am I going to beat out for a particular keyword. It's just little old me and a laptop sitting at my dining room table.

The crazy thing is, I actually do believe that I can beat them out, depending on how much work and time I am willing to put in. After all, they didn't start off on page 1 for that keyword, did they? I have an unwavering belief in my success. You should too.

And all of this is brought to you by sleeping babies.

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