Monday, June 8, 2009

What is it like to have a Baby boy

I have a boy and girl baby twins, who are now 18 months old. They could not be more different when it comes to their personalities. My little girl is soft and quiet for the most part. But when she gets to talking I can see where she's going to be a bit bossy. I say she gets it from her auntie.

But my boy, fuhgetaboudit! He is such a spitfire. He absolutely loves reading books, or I should say, he loves for you to read him books. But after you finish the book he is ready for the next one right away. I love his thirst for knowledge at this age, but have you ever really spent time with a toddler? He does not get tired, and when he does, he fights it tooth and nail.

So I spend almost all day reading him books, which is great, but I am trying to make sure I can stay a stay-at-home-mom at the same time. My websites are just starting to make a little change every day, and I do mean a little change. I set aside time to read, color, play, and just spend time with both of my babies, but Baby Boy just seems to want attention all of the time. His sister will play solo if necessary, color on her own, or actually sit on my lap while I work on the computer without trying to touch the keyboard too much.

I love them both to pieces, but it really amazes me how different boys and girls are. Maybe it's just my son. Is it?

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